Rosacea is a chronic condition characterized by increased flushing and blushing of the face. Spider veins, acne pimples, a bulbous nose (called rhinophyma) and increased oil glands can also occur. Common triggers are stress, sun, wind, cold, spicy foods, alcohol, hot drinks and cosmetics. Be aware of what causes you to flare and try to avoid or at least minimize exposure.
Rosacea cannot be cured. Antibiotics and medicated lotions offer control but must be used on a regular basis. Other treatments offered by Dr. Comite include the V-beam™ laser, which targets spider veins and redness, Smoothbeam™ laser for increased oil, acne pimples and large pores, and facials with a soothing seaweed mask to tone down redness and irritation.
Please be wary of seeking help from establishments that say they can treat rosacea by anyone other than a Board Certified Dermatologist. Putting your care in the hands of someone who is not properly trained can make your rosacea worse. For best long-term results, rosacea should be treated by a true skin expert, such as Dr. Comite.