Age, genetics and everyday life play a role in the appearance of your skin.
Bring back the radiance of your youth!
Dermatologist trained licensed aestheticians offer a variety of therapeutic Facial Peels customized for YOU.
- Glycolic Peels For Radiant Skin
A Gylcolic acid peel creates an even controlled shedding of several layers of damaged skin cells,
so you are left with a new, fresh layer of skin with a more even texture and color.• Physician grade alpha hydroxy acid
• Retexturizes, brightens and evens facial skin tone.
• Improves sun damage, acne and fine lines.
• Jessner’s Solution can be added to lighten brown spots.PROMOTES SMOOTHER, SOFTER SKIN!
Schedule of series of Glycolic Peels …
A “Lunchtime Procedure” with NO DOWNTIME.See the Difference!
$110.00 each or 6 peels for $
- Beta Lift Peels For Acne Prone Skin
• A light acid peel containing physician strength salicylic acid.
• Outstanding results for oily, acne prone skin.
• Effective for your face, neck, chest, back and arms.
• Opens and clears pores.
• A series of Beta Lift Peels is superb for clearing comedones, whiteheads & blackheads
and improves pigment, freckling, sun damage and fine wrinkling.
Your skin becomes smooth and acne clear.
An excellent “lunch time” peel!
- Amino Fruit Peel For Sensitive Skin
Amino Fruit Peels are powerful anti-oxidants and also act as exfoliants (removing dead skin), while also effectively retaining the natural moisture in your skin.
• Great for patients with easily irritated or sensitive skin.
• An effective alternative to glycolic peels.
• AFPs can be used alone or combined with Microdermabrasion.AN QUICK EASY PEEL WITH NO DOWNTIME!
$110.00 each or six peels for $
- Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation Peel
The Rejuvenation Peel causes a controlled shedding of several layers of damaged skin cells, allowing a healthy new layer of cells to surface.
• Unique combination of physician grade alpha & beta hydroxy acids.
• Strong, safe and effective.
• Minimizes fine lines.
• Improves facial texture and tone.
• A wonderful treatment for moderately sun-damaged skin, combining both exfoliation and Vitamin A.Following the treatment, you will experience about two days of sunburn-like peeling,
while achieving the softer, smoother skin you love.MILD DOWNTIME
$150.00 each, 4 peels for $550.00, 6 peels for $750, 8 peels for $1000
- TCA Peel For Severe Sun Damage
A TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) Peel is ADVANCED SKIN CARE & LASER CENTER’S most aggressive peel
for severely sun damaged skin.This peel causes deep exfoliation of your skin, stimulating the rebuilding of healthier collagen and softening fine lines and wrinkles.
Skin will shed within a week, revealing a silkier you.
- Soothing Seaweed Mask
• Ideal for calming sensitive skin.
• Soothes rosacea.
• Luxuriously applied by Dermatologist trained aesthetitians.An excellent, refreshing enhancement following any peel or facial.
- Jessner's Solution For Brown Spots
Jessner’s Solution is a unique and effective combination of Alpha & Beta Hydroxyl Acids followed by Retinoic Acid, which creates a fresh appearance with smoother texture and tone to your skin.• Lightens brown spots.
• Excellent for Melasma.
• Easily applied during microdermabrasion, glycolic or beta lift peels.
• Safe & Effective for ALL skin types.Jessners Solution may cause temporary minimal crusting to help shed the brown discoloration. You can apply make-up during the peeling process.
- BLU-U® Light For Acne
A root cause of acne is when pores become clogged and the bacteria acnes grows inside.The BLU-U® is a unique blue light that kills the bacteria, giving you clean, clear skin.
About the BLU-U® Light for Acne Treatment
• Safe, Comfortable, Relaxing
• Effectively decreases the p. acnes bacteria that causes acne
• No Downtime!
• Perfect for all ages and skin typesCombine BLU-U® Treatment for Better Results
Glycolic Peels
Beta Lift Peels
BLU-U® Treatment Pricing$70.00