There is a lot that you can personally do to take care of your skin. Unfortunately, when it comes to taking care of our skin, many of us follow the routine that we learned from our parents. So, it could be that the things that we are doing to try to make our skin look better are actually making our skin look worse. How can you at least confirm that the things you are doing for your skin care are the best for you? By visiting a licensed dermatologist or a licensed aesthetician, you can gain access to powerful, physician-grade topical products designed exactly for your skin issues.
There are many benefits that come from the years of skill and training that our specialist has received. It may be that you need prescription drugs to address certain skin conditions that just cannot be fixed by over-the-counter skin treatments. For example, you may be battling with some serious acne, skin rashes or rosacea. These issues cannot be treated with over-the-counter products. A regular aesthetician is not going to be able to provide you any medical solution for the problem. However, our dermatologist will be able to prescribe you physician-grade topical products.
A nice thing about visiting a dermatologist is that not only will they provide you with the physician-grade topical products you need to address your skin, but they will also show you exactly how to use it and follow up with you to make sure that you are using it the right way. An aesthetician might be able to recommend over-the-counter skin care products, but as you may already know, most over-the-counter skin care products are not really designed to address serious skin issues.
In fact, regular drug store products usually have just enough of the active ingredient in order to say that they have the active ingredient on their product label. If you purchase something over-the-counter, you might purchase the wrong thing. So instead of making your skin better, you’re going to make it worse.
None of this happens when you visit a dermatologist. Our specialist will prescribe not only the medication you need but also the amount of the active ingredient you need in the prescription. We will monitor how you use your specialized products, and we will be able to work with you to adjust your prescription if it’s clear that you need a stronger dose or a weaker dose. All in all, it is a lot better to visit a dermatologist as they have the advantage of being able to provide you with physician-grade topical products.
Products—there are so many over-the-counter to choose from. Department store cosmetic counters, drug stores, online sites, etc. Do you know what ingredients you need? Do these products actually have science behind them? Are there active ingredients in them? You are usually paying for expensive labeling and packaging. Do you know what products may be counter-productive, or even harmful, with other products? See a qualified skin care professional (not an employee at the Clinique Counter) for a comprehensive consultation and personalized daily routine of physician-grade topical products for you.
Physician-grade topical products can mean the difference between beautiful, glowing skin and skin that’s hard to control. If you are interested in learning more about these specialized products, we can help you at Advanced Skin Care & Laser Center in Wyomissing. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment and get started!