A smiling person is an attractive person. In general, people love to be around people who love to laugh. Unfortunately, as we age, when we laugh and make other facial expressions, there are wrinkles that form on our face. These wrinkles may be seen around our eyes, around our nose and around the sides of our mouth. BOTOX® is a powerful, non-surgical procedure that is designed to treat these dynamic wrinkles associated with aging.
How Does BOTOX® Work?
This is an injectable treatment. It does not require cosmetic surgery, and you need little to no downtime once your appointment is complete. It is a great treatment for wrinkles as it addresses the dynamic wrinkles that appear on your forehead, around your eyes and near your mouth.
Once BOTOX® is skillfully injected, it relaxes your facial muscles. It interferes with the nerve signals that make these muscles contract when you make facial expressions. Since these muscles are temporarily relaxed, when you smile and make other facial expressions, you will be able to express emotion, but some of those deep wrinkles will no longer be there.
This is not a permanent treatment. BOTOX® is temporary, with the results typically lasting for months. The good news is these treatments can be safely repeated at our office multiple times per year for ongoing benefits.
Are You a Good Candidate?
BOTOX® works very well on a wide variety of patients who want to keep their youthful beauty even when they make facial expressions. You may be a good candidate for BOTOX® if you are an overall healthy individual.
A good candidate is someone who wants to make manageable changes to their appearance, but does not want to have surgery. You should want to do these changes for yourself, not because someone else wants you to do them.
A good candidate understands what BOTOX® can do and what it cannot do. Based on these realistic expectations, they understand that BOTOX® is not designed to be a dermal filler. They understand that the product is not designed to address issues like static wrinkles, which are the wrinkles that appear on your face even when you are not making any facial gestures.
Contact Us Today to Learn More
During your initial consultation at Advanced Skin Care, our experienced medical professional will help you determine if BOTOX® is right for you. Contact us today to book an appointment at our office in Wyomissing.