Xeomin® is an injectable product used to reduce and eliminate stubborn fine lines and wrinkles on the face. It is one of the newer options available for individuals wanting to rejuvenate their face and give it a fresh, youthful look. Xeomin® is different from its counterparts because it is the only product that does not contain any additives. When there are no additives or protective proteins added, the chances of an adverse reaction occurring is less likely.
There is two major type of wrinkles that people experience. They are: dynamic or static. Static wrinkles are brought on by age. When the skin starts to lose its collagen and elasticity, it causes a drooping effect and noticeable lines appear. This gradually and inevitable sagging leads to static wrinkles. Dynamic expression wrinkles are caused by routine muscle movement and are often found around the corner of the eyes, the forehead, and eyebrows. Xeomin® is very effective in treating dynamic wrinkles.
This injectable not only relaxes the skin but also smooths out the wrinkles and creases on the skin temporarily. The smoothened and relaxed skin gives the treated patient a youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Xeomin® contains only one active ingredient.
Xeomin® is a straightforward procedure that involves getting an injection on the desired area. Results can be seen in several days. Xeomin® is perfect for candidates that are looking to get rid of stubborn frown lines, particularly the creases right between the eyes. The patient should be in good health. This is an effective treatment for adult men and women. This treatment is not recommended for those who are pregnant, nursing, or suffering from a muscular condition.
Visit Advanced Skin Care & Laser Center in Wyomissing, PA to discover the benefits of Xeomin®. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!